Feb 032011

Filed in 1945, granted and published in 1946, this design patent issued to the Bell Aircraft Company revealed the basic design of the X-1 supersonic aircraft almost ten months prior to the X-1 breaking the sound barrier.

 Posted by at 9:50 am

  3 Responses to “The Bell X-1 Patent”

  1. The patent for the X-3 (D-172588) was filed in September 1949 and granted in July 1954. The X-2 (D-174400) application is dated May 1946 and was granted in April 1955. Why did it take so little time to reveal the X-1?

  2. I suspect the correct question is why did it take so long between application and grant for the X2 and X3?

  3. […] with the Bell X-1, the configuration of the Lockheed F-104 was also granted a design patent by the US Patent Office. […]

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