Sep 032008

Since Sarah Palin was announced as McCains running mate, the Left wing hate machine has been out in force. This has been described elsewhere sufficiently. However, there’s a photo of Palin I’ve seen many times on various discussion fora that deserves comment:


What makes this worthy of comment is that it’s *not* a photo of Palin, but instead a photo of some other unknown  woman with Palin’s head Photoshopped into place:


I gather the idea was to ridicule Palin. Shrug. Personally, I can find far worse things to ponder than cute chicks in bikinis carrying firearms (if you are male and find the idea of a woman packing heat to be disturbing, please present yourself to the authorities for immediate official reclassification as a pussy). However, I’ve seen a lot of people who believe the p’shopped image is real, and it isn’t. FYI.

Here’s something that *is* real:


Expect to see more of this as the media does their damnedest to get Obama elected.

 Posted by at 6:32 pm

  One Response to “Photoshop for the record: Palin”

  1. Scott, seeing from distance, I’d say that this time (as last one ) left-leaning media will not be able to swerve the result using dirty tricks. One of the reasons is that now there are a lot of watchdogs with the power to bite, not only bark: the bloggers and the infosites. Remember the CBS thing last time ? in the early ’90s it would have passed the scan.

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