Dec 252010

It shut down commenting again. Should be back up.

 Posted by at 12:49 pm

  5 Responses to “Grrrr. Stooopid WordPress…”

  1. What the heck is going on? I run WordPress on my site and it does not do this. It sounds like something is overwriting the setting in WP database.

  2. I don’t have the first clue. But it’s always the exact same change in settings.

  3. It sure seems like there’s a reoccurring pattern here; it starts out working fine after repairs are made, then fails with increasing frequency as time goes on.
    Is there something showing up in your temporary internet files that could influence this? Is there some way you could automatically scrub them every few days to bring the posting program back to the original default form?

  4. It’s not controlled by or on my computer. All the settings are buried at the ISP, which (based on the accent of “Peggy” when I call in for tech support) seems to be located in India.

    Happy time!

  5. Why would you say such a horrible thing about Peggy, you most impolite person? I assure you that Peggy is a fine man, and does everything he can on a daily basis to help those who call on him by the telephone from the distant places of the world. 😉

    I still want to set up my “Shiva The Annoyer” telephone service where a boiler room of Indian telephone operators can be hired to call up someone you just broke up with around ten times a night and chew them out but royal about how they treated you so badly after you treated them so well.
    “Why would you cheat on a loving man like this, you loose woman? It would certainly be nothing more than you deserve for evil behavior like that than that you were to be infected with pubic lice that were most difficult to eradicate.”

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