Dec 272010

How a Quiet Suburb’s Police Force Drove Out Latinos

Short form: the police in the city of East Haven, CT, have driven about half of the Latinos/Hispanics/Chicanos/Whatevers out of the town through harassment. This will, no doubt, be used as a whip to beat up on Evil Racist Republicans.


East Haven’s mayor: April Capone Almon (D)

East Haven is within CT’s 3rd Congressional district, represented by Rosa DeLauro (D)

New Haven (of which East Haven is a suburb) is represented in the CT State Sentate by Martin Looney (D) and Toni Harp (D). New Haven is represented in the CT House of Representatives by Patricia Dillon (D), Toni Walker  (D), Gary Winfield  (D), Juan Candelaria  (D), Cameron Staples  (D), Robert Megna (D).

According to Wiki: There are 15,925 registered voters in East Haven. 5,683 registered Democrats, 2,544 Republicans, 7,681 unaffiliated and 17 registered to minor parties.[5] The town voted 56% for Barack Obama in 2008

So, yeah. Blame the Republicans.

 Posted by at 3:49 pm

  2 Responses to “Official Racism”

  1. So ONE person is harassed (or claims to be harassed) and it’s a trend? Maybe the fact that East Haven has a piddly airport, I-95, and that’s about it had something to do with it? It’s not like there’s a lot of economic growth there for any purpose, and being a suburb of New Haven is sort of being like an interior lineman on a Division III team.

    Being from CT, I have no doubt that members of the species Homo Dumbassus have a foothold in the PD, yet their motive for driving out Hispanics still evades me.

  2. Any action appears to be acceptable to Democrats as long as it’s official policy.

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