Dec 172010

It shut down commenting again. Should be back up.

 Posted by at 1:59 am

  3 Responses to “Grrrr. Stooopid WordPress…”

  1. Test, test, test…..

  2. Alas, I cannot comment on the availability of Ms Johansson. Has she been claimed by an Up-Ship reader?

  3. > I cannot comment on the availability of Ms Johansson.

    When I see that WordPress shuts off commenting (and the usual way I see that is when either I try to comment myself, or someone emails me), I have to go into it and re-activate commenting on every single post, individually. There’s no global way to do it (although there’s clearly a global way to shut it down). Given that there are now thousands of posts, I generally only bother to activate commenting on the most recent ones.

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