Nov 252010

Take a gander at the photos to see what happens when you tell a socialist that he or she might have to pay for something that they want you to pay for:

Seems to me, a proper solution from the Brit governmnet to this problem would be for them to stop all university subsidies. Let these precious snowflakes pay their own way entirely.

 Posted by at 9:05 am

  13 Responses to “Socialists on a Rampage”

  1. You have to appreciate the person who was apparently saying “I’m an anarchist and want to destroy the system, give me back my tuition subsidy!”

  2. From here, it would appear that British university students lack the basic self-control that one can reasonably expect of ten-year-olds. Those students may never become good employees or spouses. I said the same things about the American kids in the late 60s, and … how did they do in their lives?

  3. Makes me feel ashamed to be a university student.

  4. I believe this is a good example of what we call throwing a Temper Tantrum for not getting one’s way.

  5. Following the reasoning presented by The Law by Frederick Bastiat, , it seems there’s a natural progression from plunder in your favor to violence in support of such plunder.

  6. > The Law by Frederick Bastiat

    It lost me fast. Any arguement that starts off like this:

    Life Is a Gift from God
    We hold from God the gift which includes all others. This gift is life — physical, intellectual, and moral life.

    But life cannot maintain itself alone. The Creator of life has entrusted us with the responsibility of preserving, developing, and perfecting it. In order that we may accomplish this, He has provided us with a collection of marvelous faculties. And He has put us in the midst of a variety of natural resources. By the application of our faculties to these natural resources we convert them into products, and use them. This process is necessary in order that life may run its appointed course.

    Life, faculties, production–in other words, individuality, liberty, property — this is man. And in spite of the cunning of artful political leaders, these three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it.
    … is not going to fly with me. if you have to invoke the supernatural to make your point, it’s my opinion that you haven’t really thought out your point.

  7. If you prefer, life, liberty, and property are natural or fundamental rights. The rest of his argument holds with that modification to the base postulates. The essential point is they derive from something outside government.

    The thrust of his argument is the immorality of plunder, whether for the benefit of a few or the masses.

  8. As usual, the broadbrush approach is applied. This is bad, therefore all socialists are bad and socialism is evil. What a joke. I’ve been away for a week ill. Laughing at your attitude is the best tonic I’ve had. Oh, and the Daily Hate? hehehehehehehehehehe

  9. > This is bad, therefore all socialists are bad and socialism is evil.

    “This” is not proof that socialism is bad and evil. The basic *premise* of socialism is why its bad and evil. These thuggish dumbasses are simply a symptom of an ideology that is based on the notion that humans are subject to the whim and control of the State, not the other way around.

  10. If they really believed that, mate, they’d be cowering in their hovels. You’re mistaking a combination of anger and apparent inability for some of them to air their anger any other way. This has nothing do with socialism. Its all about state corporatism and the social contract. The government is reneging on their side and the students are annoyed. Some of them are very pissed off.

  11. > This has nothing do with socialism.

    No? You mean the kiddies *don’t* want the state to fund *their* university educations?

    > The government is reneging on their side and the students are annoyed.

    There will always be a transition phase if a government decides to stop funding something that they have been inappropiately funding.

    Look, college is *not* that expensive. In the US, a good education can be had for something like $5000 a year. What these morons are pissed off about is that they expect to get a high-end university education for free. Sorry, but that’s *stupid.* And the more government subsidizes college education (or healthcare), the more expensive it gets because there’s no incentive to get cheaper.

    Get government out of the business of paying university educations. Let the universites *compete* for students.

  12. You appear to forget several factors in your analysis in trying to compare the UK to the US. Government charges have gone up across the board. Government payments have gone down, across the board. Suddenly the poor and students are poor in the UK, are being squeezed from both ends. Unemployment is high, so jobs are appreciably harder to get to replace that lost income. Further, the amount they are allowed to work, as part of the agreement under which they receive funds. The cost of tuition, like the cost of living is appreciably higher in the UK for many factors, including of course the lack of an exploited under-class of illegal immigrants, unlike in the US. For many of these students this means dropping out. The end for at least the medium term of their dream of education. As many come from poorer socio-economic backgrounds to start with because under the previous Tory governments, they had been written off as industrial cannon fodder when the Coal and Steel and other heavy industries had been dismantled. Here they are again going down the drain. No wonder they are angry. I know I would be. Whether I’d turn violent and take to the streets is another matter but at least I can understand the source of their anger. Your total lack of empathy genes prevents you from doing so.

  13. > Whether I’d turn violent and take to the streets is another matter

    Let me see if I’ve got this straight. Britain is in a financially ruinous state, and is cutting back across the board. And so if *you* got your free, un-earned goodies cut off in a time of financial crisies, you would be even momentarily tempted to resort to violence and theft… not that that would materially benefit you or society, but because you’d just be irrationally pissed off that you’re not getting someone else’s labor for free for your own benefit.

    Your sociopathy is showing.

    Clearly, you, like these violent thugs, have misunderstood the whole “social contract” thing.

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