Nov 232010

2010 has been a year that has truly sucked for me. North Korea is doing it’s part to make sure that it might suck for pretty much everybody else, too.

Shoirt form: NK used artillery to blast the crap out of a civilian-populated South Korean island, destroying a number of buildings.

 Posted by at 9:30 am

  3 Responses to “North Korea Opens Fire On South Korea”

  1. The legality of their target itself is unclear but they declared a cease-fire, not a truce. I suspect this is a tacit reminder that Seoul is in range of the border.


  2. The aircraft carrier George Washington is on the way into the area at the moment. Until it arrives, we will have to count on Team America – World Police, and sharply-worded letters from the UN.
    Know your enemy:

  3. Leadership manoeuvring.

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