Oct 202010

Another day, another motel. More bloggification a little later.

 Posted by at 7:10 pm

  4 Responses to “Travel Day 2: No Headache!”

  1. Raedthinn writes:
    “This motel is great! I met a really cute little female cat and invited her back to the my litterbox; what happened then was a lot of fun, but I seriously doubt I have the strength to do _that_ 68 more times. Also, after she left, I found my catnip was missing.
    The last thing Fingers had to hear is that the ‘world’s longest cat’ is in Reno, and it’s a ‘Maine Coon’:
    Now she says she wants to be its ‘bottom bitch’, whatever that is.
    I expect her panting to keep me awake all night.”

  2. Raedthinn always seemed much more subdued while at home. His recent posts, however, are showing a completely different aspect of his personality.

    I don’t know if he’s simply “breaking out of his shell”, or of the endless miles of Western highways are pushing him past the breaking point…

  3. Fingers writes:
    i have meet this Man
    dam Let me out
    goddam Let me Out

    Raedthinn stop laughing!

  4. Seirgen wrote:
    “Raedthinn always seemed much more subdued while at home. His recent posts, however, are showing a completely different aspect of his personality.”
    The creature is a born Casanova; the reason it’s sleeping all day is that it’s screwing all night.
    While Scott sleeps, Raedthinn creeps. 😉

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