Oct 192010

Day one of driving is done. Didn’t get as far as planned… my head feels like it’s about to split open. Hopefully some aspiring will take care of it.

Raedthinn, as expected, spent the entire drive in the enclosed litterbox.

 Posted by at 6:44 pm

  8 Responses to “A Bit Of A Headache”

  1. One word Scott….

    REDBULL! It’s your friend for long distance drives. 🙂

  2. Redbull?? BLEAH…… it works better with coffee (even better if it is an Italian one, short, dark and strong).

  3. Carbon Monoxide. Be sure to leave a window a little open. And watch the kitties.

  4. Raedthinn writes:
    “I hope Scott isn’t thinking about giving us up for adoption. He mentioned something about going to a ‘cat house’ in Reno that claims to be ‘The Home Of The Happy Pussies’, but somehow I doubt that’s really the case. I like the litterbox…the litterbox is my little traveling kingdom where no harm can come to me, and I don’t have to listen to the constant pissing and moaning of that little bitch Fingers. She doesn’t deserve to have a litterbox of her own…no, a nice garbage dumpster of her own would be better…where are those British ladies when you need them?” 😉

  5. When you reach Reno, if thers a flaiming redhead with a Batman tatoo, tell her hi for..err an freind of mine. ;-D

  6. Fingers writes:
    For my part. a real Lady like me, face the unknowns
    while Catzilla is hiding in his Litterbox Ha Ha Ha
    Are We There Yet?
    Are We There Yet?

    Are We There Yet?

  7. Raedthinn writes:
    “Yeah, we drove past another car with cats in it today…take a wild guess which particular lil’ Jezebel had her butt stuck up against the side window so tight that it was lucky it didn’t crack the glass? Might as well just hang a sign on her tail: “For sale, cheap…VERY, VERY, CHEAP’.”

  8. > Carbon Monoxide.

    A viable explanation, but unlikely in this case. The headache lasted for several hours after entering the motel; it’s my understanding that CO headaches vanish pretty fast after leaving the CO. Most likely just a standard headache.

    Also: Reno? Nope.

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