Sep 022010

Local news coverage:

Interestingly, the reporters interviewed my neighbor to the immediate west, and the one to the south-east. Had I not been in Idaho yesterday, they mighta interviewed *me.* Consider yourselves fortunate that y’all aren’t being directed to watch my ugly mug rant and rave.

Of course, with sufficient foresight, it might’ve been amusing to do myself up in radioactive mutant zombie makeup, wait for the reporters to show up, then run around the yard screaming about the burning ash that fell from the sky…

 Posted by at 4:11 pm

  5 Responses to “ATK Rocket Test Fallout gets some press”

  1. “She said prior to Tuesday’s launch they sent out 800 invitations to the open house.”

    Anyone you know get one?

  2. I got one. However, this: “Patterson said that prior to ever launch they hold an open house to explain the process and potential concerns to neighbors.”

    Well, maybe they hold an open house before every “launch,” but this is the first one since I moved here in 2004 where they announced it. I didn’t go because:
    1) I don’t like ATK, and have little interest in visiting them unless they’re putting on a good show
    2) This being the *first* “open house,” I figured it would be a depressing attempt at presenting overly positive “yay, the future” propaganda about how they are somehow going to survive Ares cancellation.

    I suspect, though, that if they ever have another large scale motor test and hold an open house in advance… people *will* go.

  3. I got an invite but no postcard warning of the test (like their rep said was sent out). After meeting their rep why would I want to go? They have their propaganda to promote but not full disclosure of the TRUTH

  4. > why would I want to go?

    If you’re referring to the “open house,” I can’t answer that, as I’ve never been, and have only ever known of one. If you’re referring to an actual test… such a spectacle is *not* to be missed if you can attend. However, I don’t know that there’ll ever be another one, now that the program is in serious doubt. I understand they are working on the DM-3 motor but… who knows.

  5. Point to Raidthinn lying torpidly on his back, and tell the reporters: “This cat was outside when that test occurred, and now it’s unable to move…I think it’s dying.”

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