May 152010

Friday my parents arrived for a visit. (As a consequence of this, things around here may be a bit quiet). One of the goals of this visit is to pick up the cat Fingers. A friend of theirs saw pictures I’d posted of her and got smitten, and wanted to adopt her as an indoor cat. While I was not thrilled with the idea of sending Fingers far away, it’s clearly a better option for her than to be left to run free out her and meet an unfortunate end, sooner rather than later.

Fingers, the cat who for four or so years has been by my house several times per day, every day. Fingers, the cat who I last saw Wednesday night… and haven’t seen since. Cat food left on the deck would normally get eaten within an hour or two. Now… food left yesterday is still there.

Out of four years… two freakin’ days.

 Posted by at 6:34 pm

  26 Responses to “Sometimes the timing of things just… sucks”

  1. Wow… that really sucks. Hope you find her before your parents leave.

  2. I suspect I won’t… and that I won’t find her after the rents leave, either. Or if I do find her, I won’t like what I find. It’s not just that she’s vanished… another cat, the brother of the two mommacats currently in the basement with their litters, has also disappeared. But in his case, I did see him twice on Thursday… but both times extremely he was extremely skittish, and the last time he was taking off towards the southern horizon. In the last month or so, he and Fingers had become near inseparable.

  3. Don’t sound good. Cats being creatures of habit and all. Perhaps someone nearby took her in, or she is in some shed or barn by accident. Hope she turns up, I really like that cat!

  4. runaway lovers,maybe? You still have Raedthinn and the others to
    keep you company. Hope they do come back,though.

  5. I was joking about the runaway lovers part.

  6. Mmmm….Murphy’s law strikes again. Anyway I really like cats and I hope Fingers turns back soonest….

  7. Ah, hell, she just showed up.


    More later.

  8. Oh…

  9. Hopefully not as bad as last time. 🙁

  10. I hope our favorite blueprint inspector is OK…

  11. Of COURSE she just showed up…. She read the internet too you know 🙂


  12. There’s nothing good about any of this. I had a cat vanish for a few hours one cold rainy day, and it kept me on edge until Muffin reappeared.

    How is everyone, Scott?

  13. Hope she is OK 🙁

  14. Just got her back from the vet. He problem was that her left rear leg was non-functional, puffed up and clearly in great pain. She was moving pretty slow. I thought maybe she’d been hit by a car or something, but the vet found no broken bones. Likeliest explanation is that she got bit and has an internal infection. So she got an antibiotic shot. Hopefully she’ll be up and running within the next few days… in any event, she’s staying in the basement, and will get a ride back to the midwest and to a new home.

  15. Well, in a sense, just in time….

  16. At least when your parents’ friend has her, she won’t be at risk of things like that anymore.

  17. I’m glad you got Fingers back.

    And I’m glad she’s going to a new home.


  18. Yay!

  19. Did you get her checked for rabies?
    I had a friend who lived on a farm and one of their cats got bit by something and became rabid.
    The last thing you want to do is ship off a cat with a developing case of rabies to someone.

  20. That’s great news she’s back. It sounds like she has an abcess. The exact same thing that happened twice to two of my cats. They get swatted or bit in the leg, they lick the wound which heals the skin, but the bacteria festers underneath and realy quick the abcess will swell.

    The vet will have to put in a piece of tube that will keep the wound opened and draining, so you have lots of pus filled adventures ahead! Cats are preety resilient. i used to volunteer at a no kill cat shelter in Santa Barbara and one cat needed an IV everyday for six months, but he survied and was adopted.

  21. Funny that someone mentioned in their blog about Petsmart having a
    weekly adoption program with animals brought in from a no kill shelter.

  22. Glad she made it back. Did vet check for snake bite? And with a glancing hit by a vehicle, she could have severe bruising of the muscles without broken bones, still swells and is painful with movement.

    Hope the adoptee is ready for a convalescing cat, and that said CC is going to be cool with a new home!

  23. Fingers appears to be on the mend… the swelling is reduced, and she’s putting some weight on the leg. There is at present some uncertainty regardign the future of several cats… one way or another, Fingers will end up being an indoor housecat. But also in the mix is Mark… my parents friend would rather have *Mark* than Fingers. Mark, however, is currently at the vets, with some rather astonishing gastro-intestinal issues. If he can be cured of this before he needs to spend a few days in an automobile, then he gets to go be a housecat in the midwest… and Fingers will be a permanent resident *here.* If Mark continues to have issues, then Fingers will go to the Midwest, and Mark will be restored to the wilds of Utah farmland.

  24. “gastro-intestinal” issues? Yipes… Sounds like a cat my wife and I had when we first got married. We rescued “Momma” and her “runt” kitten Junior from the local shelter where we were warned that “Momma” had issues… After the second time she managed to get us and our freinds out into the middle of a blizzerd rather than staying indoors with her ‘gas’ issues we ended up having to feed her a special dietary food that she didn’t like at LEAST twice a day or suffer the consequences!

    Junior on the other hand was a “climber” he loved climbing things… Especially people 🙂


  25. Note to self…cats are high maintenance from a health point of view compared to dogs. 🙂

  26. […] she’d disappeared. I’d previously mentioned her disappearance and injured reappearance ( and the comments there). One thing not mentioned previously was that while she was originally […]

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