May 092010

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

 Posted by at 4:11 pm

  5 Responses to “This video will mess you up.”

  1. Touching…Very….It seems like animals are very humanlike in
    movies like in “March of the Penguins” for example and other
    movies as well.

  2. It’s always wise to try to *not* anthropomorphize animals and their reactions… but sometimes it’s damned hard not to. I’ve seen too many cats “grieve” over a lost friend to assume that there’s nothing there.

  3. Well, crap.

  4. Hell, I lasted 20 seconds. 🙁 Poor kitties.

  5. They may be “only animals”, but they do have emotions and form bonds.

    For sferrin: You lasted about as long as I did. Damn near made me cry. 🙁

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