May 052010

When you listen to politicans and their lackeys, you expect to be lied to. But the more “professional” the politician, the smoother you expect the lies to be. In the end, you expect the lies to be so well done that they are virtually indistinguishable from reality… just twisted enough to say something that ain’t. It’s relatively rare in American politics for some *major* political operative to tell you a clear and unambiguous lie that is fabulously easy to demonstrate the complete falseness of.

Robert Gibbs, White House Press Secretary, gives us an example of just such an astounding lie.

Gentlemen… BEHOLD!!!

 Posted by at 10:22 pm

  4 Responses to “Bald-Faced Liars”

  1. Gibbs is a clown.

  2. Bobbie Gibberish, to the rescue!

  3. Well now, that was interesting. I am wondering how the White House will spin that.

  4. Who was that guy who was Saddam’s minister of televised BS? He is starting to look credible compared to this mess.


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