Apr 132010

Remember those suction-cup equipped “Garfield” toys that appeared on windows a couple decades back (yeesh)?

I’ve got a real-life version of that, in the form of Fingers. She likes to climb up window screens and hang there for a while, typically staring at me all the while. I believe it’s her way of telling me that I need to get off my ass and feed her. At noon, it’s amusing. But believe me, around midnight it can be a bit disturbing.


Note: the white metal screen below is in place to keep my indoor cats, Raedthinn in particular, from battering their way out through the relatively flimsy window screen.

 Posted by at 8:25 am

  2 Responses to “Real-life “Garfield””

  1. The cats in my neighborhood do something similar. And then announce themselves very loudly.

  2. One of Greta’s 3 week cubs was able to climb the same heigh and reach the balcony. As soon as they start waklking the have to explore the whole house.

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