Apr 112010


Two billboards in Marsa advertising the Pope’s visit to Malta got the unlikely addition of two stencilled images of what looks like a panda. It is not clear why the “artist” in question juxtaposed the bears with the Pope. The organising committee was alerted yesterday morning and it plans to erase the images.



Ummm… no. Not pandas.

 Posted by at 3:13 pm

  3 Responses to “Vandalism WIN; Media FAIL”

  1. thats had to be “Pedobears”
    and i hope the pope gona be mad about this

    he get wat he deserved
    in Europe every day News hase new report of child abuse
    in Catholically church, school, boarding school
    the Pope reaction: silence

  2. *Snerk*


  3. Someone needs to get out a bit more. It seems that there’s a significant portion of the Internet that feels “shotacat” is what the vandals really needed to use:

    I need a hobby.

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