Apr 102010

Everything will be all better when the government controls health care…


But her hopes of receiving the transplant were dashed in March, when she says, the Social Security Administration contacted her –without her soliciting it — and told her that her three year-old son was entitled to receive Social Security disability payments. Even though she didn’t ask for it, she signed the form and received her son’s first check check.

In April, Medicaid canceled her universal health care policy because her income level had risen with her son’s payments – making her ineligible for the insurance program.

So *that’s* how they’re going to make it “defecit neutral…” the government will trick people into signing their own death warrants.

Brilliant. Evil, but brilliant.

 Posted by at 3:49 pm

  4 Responses to “Here’s yer “death panel””

  1. Who is the number 1 denier of healthcare to the poor? Medicare/Medicaid. Who is the number 1 denier of pharmaceuticals/medical devices to the poor? Medicare/Medicaid. And for those extra points, who is the least competent provider of healthcare in America? The VA.

    Thanks for playing “Who Is The Stupid Fuck That Wants These Assholes To Run America’s Healthcare System”! Jonnie, tell them what their parting gifts are.

  2. This news piece is interestning, but it fails to mention the reptiloid aliens that control the government and plan to use Comunist Health Care to implant mind controlling devices in the general population, tho. Tsk…

  3. I thought the reptiloids were on in England.

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