Apr 102010

Probably not news to anyone by this point, but…


I’m always a bit suspicious when anything unfortunate happens anywhere near Putin. And the irony gets ratcheted up to 11 with this bit:

Kaczynski had been traveling with the Polish delegation to Russia for the 70th anniversary of the massacre of Polish prisoners of war [NOTE: massacred by Russians] in the village of Katyn. Some 20,000 Polish officers were executed there during World War II.



 Posted by at 12:05 pm

  24 Responses to “Polish president killed in plane crash”

  1. to make it more contingency
    the crashed plane was a Tupolew Tu-154
    [NOTE: build by Russians]

  2. Katyn’s victims were murdered by SOVIET secret police following Stalin’s orders, not RUSSIAN. You are aware of the difference, aren’t you?

    • No difference at all, is there? It certainly wasn’t the Kazakh SSR that did it. It was Russia, which is of course synonymous with the crimes of the USSR and which clearly is still lying about it’s history to dummies like yourself.

  3. Sure seems suspicious, doesn’t it?


  4. I’m going to be really keen to see this whole thing investigated.
    The Russians say they told it to divert to another airport, but it kept on heading in while dropping below the glide path.
    It could be a icing problem of some sort from the heavy fog… it could also be a Polish pilot thinking: “70 years ago these bastards slaughtered our government and military leadership by the thousands, and now our government is going over to get all kissie-kissie with them? _Fuck that noise!_ Try this on for size you traitorous sons of bitches!”.
    This is bound to drive a big wedge in between Russia and Poland, and that certainly wouldn’t advance Russian aims in the region.

  5. “This is bound to drive a big wedge in between Russia and Poland” I don’t know, how much bigger a wedge is needed, seeing as Russia, and Russians, see the Poles as subhuman. Always have and always will. If anyone in the Polish government thinks Russia is not their enemy perhaps they needed this wake up call from God.

  6. My local newspaper remarked that the Poles remember the invasion by the USSR and subsequent communism. There was no mention of invasions by Russia prior to 1939. Perhaps American journalism feels the citizens need not know that much about the tensions that have existed for several centuries.

    I think this was an honest matter of bad judgment.

  7. Hi.

    There weren’t we!

    And don’t even think, that the fact of recent reparing of presidental Tu 154 in Russia is somehow connected to the tragedy!

  8. > Katyn’s victims were murdered by SOVIET secret police following Stalin’s orders, not RUSSIAN.

    How many of the Soviets involved weren’t Russians?

    And more importantly, the Poles have been given trouble by their neighbors to the East for centuries. I don’t think they were Soviets the whole time. It hasn’t been the Soviets who have pitched a fit over a modest anti-missile system being based in Poland.

  9. Well, before talking about Russian invasions, you people should do some research on Polish crimes. Many (not all) Polish officers killed in Katyn were involved at some extent in ethnic cleansing activities carried out against non-Polish minorities. Moreover, don’t forget who inveded Poland in 1939 and started a world war…I think it wasn’t Russia. Apart from that, I feel sorry for Poland and its tormented past…and present. Bad karma, I guess.

    • My god, what tremendous bullcrap! Even 3 years later it’s worth remarking on, how pathetically indoctrinated this poster is.

      “Many (not all) Polish officers killed in Katyn were involved at some extent in ethnic cleansing activities carried out against non-Polish minorities.”

      Known to be a Stalinist lie.

  10. > Moreover, don’t forget who inveded Poland in 1939 …

    That would be Stalin and his countrymen, on September 17, 1939. Or were you thinking of some other group of fanatical collectivists?

  11. “Apart from that, I feel sorry for Poland and its tormented past…and present. Bad karma, I guess.”

    It’s like a game of monkey in the middle martial-arts style, where the guy in the middle gets to defend against attacks from all sides. Poland is in the middle.

  12. Yes, the evil (post)Comunist Psychic Mutants mind controlled the pilot to make him try to land three times despite being advised by the air controller to detour to another airport due to bad weather (caused by the Red’s version of the HAARM project, of course). On the fourth try they suceed and the plane crashed.

  13. This is an interesting article about what happened to another pilot who aborted a landing he didn’t feel good about with the Polish president…he got chewed on, and from then on the VIPs get a say in whether the plane should land or not: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/13/world/europe/13crash.html?src=mv

  14. “he got chewed on, and from then on the VIPs get a say in whether the plane should land or not”

    I’m betting that the question of who gets ultimate say in when the plane lands won’t be a problem in Poland again for a long, looooooooong time….

  15. @Pat: VIPs do NOT get to decide if the plane should land, nothing has changed after Georgia incident, pilot is still the authority. Authority under a lot of pressure of course…

    It seems that the flight crashed due to controlled flight into terrain. 2.5km before the airport ground level is ~200m, but 1km before landing strip it rises to 250m. Pilots were most likely flying on visual, under clouds, and when they noticed trees in front, they were too close due to fog. If they knew about this particular feature of the airport they would have made it.

    @Flanker:”officers” who died in Katyn were not the same army officers that you might think of. All Polish intelligence (proffesors, doctors…) was taken to Army as reserve, and given officer’s rank. Most of people who fell in Russian hands and were executed were not profesional soldiers but doctors, proffesors etc.
    That’s why Poland says it lost its intelligence – not its soldiers – in Katyn and other such places.

  16. Admin said:
    “How many of the Soviets involved weren’t Russians?”
    Stalin was from Georgia, as was Lavrenty Beria.
    Comrades! Let us all take a pleasant trip to the Stalin Museum in Gori (“Gory” would have been more fitting), Georgia:
    When he was young, The Great Helmsman studied for the priesthood.
    Just imagine if he had foolishly continued on that course, rather than rising to greatness as Lenin’s perfect successor!
    Why, people would have been in that confessional all day, listing their sins in detail, as kindly Father Dzhugashvili sat just behind that curtain with his rubber pipe at the ready in case he thought they were unintentionally holding something back. Soon all of Gori would have been free of sin, and around half of its populace. 😉

  17. Speaking pf Poland:

    Pat, I’ve often fantasized about writing a time-travel tale in which someone from now tries to talk Adolf Hitler into going to Paris to replace Alfonse Mucha. He could show his artistic competence best by becoming rich painting pictures of naked women for absinthe producers!

    If someone wiped out 25% of American university professors, would we lose as much as Poland lost in Katyn Forest? If the removal was limited to political science, social work, and ethics professors, and economists, we might come out ahead.

  18. I used to see TV programs on the “horror” of Hitler’s art, which was all “sterile” and “lifeless”.
    Actually, it wasn’t that bad at all, and certainly better than I could do if I took a crack at painting buildings. It probably really torqued him off that he was tossed out of art school while the Bauhaus was getting public funding for dressing people as funnels and having them do strange dances.
    But turning him loose on Art Nouveau probably isn’t the way to go – it would make more sense to get him into doing advertising artwork, and the Bohn Company would have just the sort of grandiose type ad ideas that would certainly appeal to him: http://www.davidszondy.com/future/bohn/bohn_future.htm
    As far as wiping out the the university professors (an idea that ol’ Adolph would no doubt heartily endorse) if you croaked my old political science teacher from Korea you would be wiping out one of the great voices of anti-communism, as this guy still had scars on his ass from where the MiG-15 had strafed him during the Korean war.
    He retired to the Capitalist Heaven of Las Vegas, where he no doubt never bets on red at the roulette wheel.
    Let us hope that he still wears The Shiny Green Suit that was his trademark as he prowls the casinos, a mighty GOP elephant in a dense green forest of monetary exchange.

  19. I chose Art Nouveau because it was of the era when he was trying to better himself. Anything that would nudge the man into doing something socially-productive would work quite well.

    Every political science prof I ever met was American or British, and all of them were rabid anti-capitalists and angry at the stupidity of the American public. That’s my experience, and it’s really what comes to mind first.

    I once heard of a Chinese-born history prof who always took some heat from the administration over how he taught the history of the American Civil War. He explained it as a matter of power and money, and, every year, invariably he’d have at least two students walk out and complain about it. Sadly, the chap retired before I entered the program.

  20. Take a look at “Roswell, Texas.” An alternate history graphic novel which includes, among many other things (like Malcolm X as a Texas Ranger), a young Adolph Hitler leaving Germany and moving to Texas, where he becomes a successful mural artist, falls in love, gets married and has a daughter who grows up to become President of Texas. Sadly, at her innauguration he got likkered up and made a spectacle of himself…


  21. Regarding the Bohn ads, this one would be right up Hitler’s alley (sounds like where Churchill would like to put his cigar out) from the Atomic-Annihilation
    That stuff is so poisonous it will turn you into marble….shades of The Monolith Monsters.

  22. im polish

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