Here’s an odd thing.
As previously mentioned, the eBay excercise is an attempt to determine the level of interest in the printed blueprints. The F-23A seems reasonably popular, which does not surprise me much. But what does surprise me: at this time, the Convair Hustler-derived SST is beating the tar out of the Convair Super-Hustler. Currently bid four times as high, ten times as many bids, twice as many watchers.
To my mind, the Super Hustler, a Mach 4 bomber, would seem obviously more interesting than a supersonic passenger transport. And the Super Hustler print is substantially larger, as well. Is it because “SST” in the title is recognizable, and likely the subject of occasional searches, while “Super Hustler” is not as recognizable and not likely to be the subject of as many searches?
As an aside: the print shop folks got kinda nervous when I handed over the flash drive with the blueprint image files and I said I wanted one each of the “F-23,” the “Dyna Soar,” the “NERVA” the “SST” and the “Super Hustler.” If you’re not an afficionado of arcane aero-lore, “Super Hustler” might come off a bit creepy, I suppose.
3 Responses to ““Super Hustler” vs. “SST””
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To me, the SST blueprint simply looks better. The Super Hustler is sexy from a speed and technology perspective (yay ramjets!), but its extreme angularity is not visually appealing.
I guess I need to keep a closer watch on the Super Hustler bidding.
I’m a student at a large Midwestern University, and this hustlers got RAM jets, but I always thought the letters here were fake until, last week, my joystick-