Mar 022010

One of the designs produced by Boeing for the AWACS program was very similar to the final product, a 707 with a  large rotary radar “saucer” on dorsal pylons. But for the reasons of endurance, this 1969 design featured eight, count ’em freakin’ EIGHT, turbofan engines. The TF34-GE2’s were podded as on a B-52, and would provide greater endurance than the 707’s standard four engines (requirement: 14 hours, unrefueled). However, as the program continued the requirement for increased endurance faded, down to 11.5 hours, which the 707’s four engines could handle.

This is a vastly reduced-size and re-blued version of the actual on-hand print.

 Posted by at 10:02 pm

  2 Responses to “Eight-engined AWACS”

  1. That design is just…odd! Maybe they should have borrowed the new, at the time, 747 instead. Then you would really get endurance!

  2. It would have ended up like the B-52s: We should put turbofans on them, but that costs money (whine whine whine whine)


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