Feb 172010

This sort of thing has happened before (such as when “Rathergate” was broken wide open), but here’s another example of what appears to be fraud being cracked not by the FBI, not by the Nightly News, but by a bunch of interested amateurs sleuthing around online.

X-45A is alive and well in Maryland?

What started off as a thread discussing possible developments with the X-45 UCAV quickly became a head scratcher as the company supposedly involved did not seem to exist, and has now turned into an investigation of the goofball (“Dylin Prestly”) who seems to run the phantom company (“Prestly Industries,” claimed to have been purchased by Thales annd Northrop and such).

Hey, FBI guys? I know you’re reading along. Might wanna take a look into this. Just sayin’.

 Posted by at 11:16 am

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