Jan 172010

… is that you don’t advertise Fight Club.

Industry alarm at R-rated cover-up

Adults aged over 18 seeking to buy or borrow a copy of Mad Max, the acclaimed desert war drama Three Kings, starring George Clooney, the Brad Pitt classic Fight Club or the 2009 Blu Ray release of Sasha Baron Cohen’s fashion parody Bruno will now find them in plain packaging displaying nothing more than the film’s title.

The rule will apply to titles for sale or rent unless those titles are quarantined from all other audiovisual materials, in an area signposted with a warning.

Under changes to the state’s classification act, which came into effect on Sunday, businesses will face fines of up to $5000 for displaying a “poster, pamphlet or other printed material” for films classified R18+.


Heh. Schadenfreude. This sort of clampdown on free speech in the marketplace is exactly the sort of thing that sends tingles up the legs of lefties. But this time it’s going after Hollywood & Co. How will lefties respond to having their incomes under assault?

 Posted by at 8:19 pm

  2 Responses to “The First Rule of Fight Club”

  1. Scott,called our local library in Schaumburg,Illinois and found
    out that the movies you mentioned are not considered 18+
    and they do have them in stock at our library, Our library does not carry 18+ stuff. I swear they even had the “Lolita”
    movie there a while back, which makes you think. I don’t
    know how they rate that stuff in Utah.

  2. > I don’t
    know how they rate that stuff in Utah.

    Same way they’re rated in Illinois: it’s a nation-wide ratings system. And yes, the stores carry the same stuff here as there.

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