Sep 082022

Nearly two decades ago, a lesbian named Norah Vincent decided to go through a substantial level of effort – working out, makeup, voice training, etc. – to be able to pass as a man. She spent 18 months being a “man,” and wrote a book about her experiences, the summary being “men have it hard too.” This was not exactly a shatteringly surprising conclusion for men, but it seemed to surprise a bunch of women who yammer on about “male privilege” and “patriarchy” and other such things that have never seemed to provide me with so much as a dime. Shrug. Well, she’s back in the news:

Woman Who Pretended To Be A Man Dies By Assisted Suicide After Realizing How Difficult It Was To Be One

To be fair, the story here seems to be missing a lot of details. For, example, *why* exactly she self-deleted. The author seems to conclude that her experiences as a man screwed her up… but that was a decade and a half ago. Given the dearth of details, there could have been a whole laundry list of other problems that cropped up in that time that led to her end. A New York Times article about her is similarly lacking in details.

 Posted by at 11:19 am