Aug 162022

How thrilling.

Texas toddler presumed positive for monkeypox

Regardless of how the kid contracted the disease… A) it’s not the kids fault and B) kids tend to crawl all over each other. The more morons who couldn’t control their baser actions get the disease, the more likely they are to pass them on to kids, and then the more likely those kids are to pass them on to *other* kids. And soon enough… BAM, the schools shut down again.

A dog tested positive for monkeypox, and may have contracted the virus from his owners, raising questions about human-to-animal transmission

One more reason for the barbarians in charge of China to whack all their pets. If I lose pets due to this nonsense, I’m at the very least going to join a  class action suit against any organization that put on “Pride Month” events that spread this. My cats busting out on pustules because a bunch of perverts and weirdos could keep it in their pants for a few weeks would be the sort of thing that I would not forgive.

Polio May Have Been Spreading in New York Since April

Yay. I know Progressives think that FDR was actually a good President with a lot to emulate… but come on.

And it’s good to see how well Our Leaders  follow the science:

 Posted by at 11:52 pm