Aug 162022

The video quality is terribly potato, but the reactions are remarkably spot-on. I’ve watched these two from time to time and their reactions to things can be hit or miss (they just didn’t *get* “Airplane”), but their response to “Field of Dreams” is precisely as it aught to be. It’s aided by the fact that they went into this apparently cold, having no knowledge of the movie.

This was a remarkable movie. “Is this Heaven? No, it’s Iowa” was all over the place back in the day… of course, I lived right next to Iowa when this came out and soon enough spent four years getting edumacated there.,-91.0547428,301m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e34d88d2d4f709:0xc7f292cb89e201ed!8m2!3d42.4976182!4d-91.0542824


 Posted by at 12:43 am