Jun 272022

The Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade has brought out the hateful and violent rhetoric of many on the Left in *spades.* Go peruse Libs of TikTok for a plethora of examples of death threats,  advocations of assassinations, etc. Far too many to post here.

That said, there is one particular story that is instructive on several levels: a registered nurse claimed that she bases her medication prescriptions not on the needs of the patient, but on their race and politics. Good news/bad news: The bad is that there are such hateful people out there. The good is that they often publicly tout their badness. The double-plus bad is that they feel safe and comfortable doing so, because they know that since they are on the politically correct side, their malfeasance will often be ignored. They can get away with doing what they’re doing.


She felt comfortable enough to say it publicly. How long has she been actually *doing* it?

Well, there is some double-plus good news:

“Resigned.” Yeah, I kinda expect that she was pushed out the door. And I kinda expect that the hospital now has *all* of their lawyers working overtime, poring through every last record of every last patient this twit had anything to do with. Were you one of her patients? Did anything seem a  little off? Were the meds she prescribed not quite right, or didn’t quite do the job? Yeah… lawsuits are coming.


 Posted by at 4:53 pm