Jun 272022

Young women’s psychological distress increases when they change their identity away from the heterosexual norm

I can’t say that I find this shocking. “Heterosexual” is obviously – and necessarily – the default for any mammalian species. Without it, the species does not reproduce, and thus dies out, making way for other species that *do* reproduce. But in recent years, there has been substantial social pressure, seeming aimed more at women, to abandon the default in favor of homosexuality. And peer pressure can be quite effective at convincing young people to do things that they don’t really want to do… and once they’ve done it, they often regret it.

Women whose sexual identity changed in a more same-sex-oriented direction tended to report greater psychological distress compared to women whose sexual identity remained stable. In contrast, women whose sexual identity changed in a less same-sex-oriented direction tended to report less psychological distress compared to women whose sexual identity remained stable.

Color me stunned.

This quote from one of the study authors kinda leads off the article. It says a few things that seem like they really aught to be followed up,  but are, at least in the article, glossed over or outright ignored:

“This is true for many people, and we know that efforts to try and force people to change their sexual orientations are extremely harmful and do not work. However, there are a proportion of women who do experience changes to their sexual attractions and sexual identities across their lives. The sexualities of young women today in particular are less binary and more fluid than ever before.”

A) Yes, it’s harmful to try to force someone to change their sexuality. This includes, does it not, efforts to make straight girls lesbians? It includes, does it not, efforts to convince girls that they are actually boys, boys that they are actually girls?

B) Yes, young women today seem less binary than in millenia past. Ummm… WHY???

There is a sci-fi explanation for this, of course.

 Posted by at 10:22 am