Jun 142022

Welcome to New York.

Chilling video shows knockout punch that killed man, 61, in Brooklyn

A single sucker punch killed a man. Took him five days to die.

What do you want to bet: they find the murderers (second guy might not have hit the victim, but he joined in the post-assault thievery, which to me sounds like Felony Murder), and the DA either finds a way to not charge them or to charge them minimally.

I have a suggestion for those wanting New And Improved gun laws: let’s institute a 90-90-90-90 rule first. Before a new criminal law is permitted to be enacted, 90% of violent crimes must result in an arrest, 90% of those arrested must be charged, 90% of those charged and convicted must be sentenced to 90% or more of the maximum. If you as a DA are not wiling to do even that much, then what’s the point of adding more laws to the books that you’re not going to fully prosecute?

 Posted by at 11:34 pm