Jun 142022

“Red Flag Laws” are *supposed* to be a way to temporarily disarm people who are a danger to themselves or others. Who could argue against them? Well… anyone who has ever noticed that they are not based on due process. They are not based on sober judgement of people who understand the gravity of depriving a person of their Constitutional and human rights. They are, sadly, based on the whims of people who have, and like to exercise, power. Witness:

Remember, Eric Swalwell is the Representative who not only bedded a Chinese Communist spy and did untold damage to the US (with no repercussions as far as I can tell), he’s also the guy who thought it would be a good idea to threat American citizens who do not wish to give up their rights. Threatening to use *nuclear* *weapons* on these citizens. Do you think it would be a good idea to turn over the power to deprive a citizen of their rights to a man with judgement like that?

 Posted by at 9:19 pm