Dec 232009

Young Swedish women more likely to have sex with each other: study

Månsson and colleague Kristian Daneback surveyed 855 young people between the ages of 18 and 24 via an online questionnaire.

The survey showed that 31 percent of young women and 7 percent of young men said that they were most often sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex, but sometimes they were attracted to people of their own gender.

Young women were also far more likely than their male counterparts to act on their same-sex fantasies, with 13 percent of female respondents and 3 percent of male respondents reporting that they have had sex with both men and women.

Ok, yeah, yeah, jokes about hot Swedish chicks. If you want that, get your fill at Fark. The problem here is that if a *third* of Swedens young women are bisexual or outright lesbian, that does a good job of removing them from the breeding population. And it’s not like Europe, or Scandinavia in particular, is doing a really good job of keeping up with the replacement rate.

On the other hand, “immigrants” or “refugees” in such cities as Malmo, Sweden, *are* doing a  good job of replacing themselves. it is thus not too difficult to posit a day in the not too distant future when ethnically and culturally Swedish people are a distinct minority in Sweden. Demographics is destiny.
Welcome to Dhimmitude. And, oh yeah, under Sharia… what you’re doing now, Swedish chicks? That’d be illegal.

 Posted by at 5:08 pm

  8 Responses to “It seems that Sweden is doomed”

  1. Well, bisexual females and lesbians can still contribute to the population. Gay men on the other hand have a more difficult time making babies.

  2. > bisexual females and lesbians can still contribute to the population.


  3. I didn’t say that it is always a good idea… But there are some folks who shouldn’t be raising children, regardless of their sexual orientation. And the culture of the parents doesn’t have to be the culture of the children. Hippies don’t always raise hippies.

  4. > the culture of the parents doesn’t have to be the culture of the children.

    True. The parental culture of tolerant western liberalism may well end up with the childrens culture of sharia, horror and enslavement.

  5. Kbob, I know the children of several hippies, and a couple of freepers, and they totally rejected their parent/s “culture”. Hell, one of them is a career Marine, and she even did 7 years as a DI. Another embraced the culture of his grandparents, and is a Hasidic Rabbi, to his mother’s absolute horror and disgust, and don’t even mention his 10 years in the IDF, THAT really sets her off.
    Scott, as sad as it is I share your premonition. Europe is descending into a new dark age. Anyone who points it out, or attempts in anyway to slow or stop it is immediately attacked as racist, or nationalistic, or both, or some other entirely idiotic classification. And with the current stupidity in our Congress I fear we are not far behind them.

  6. In the meantime, before the collapse, perhaps it’s time to learn some Swedish and improve the Swedish gene pool.

    Not adopting one’s parents’ culture strikes home with me. My father was a Victorian office clerk and my mother was a farm wife. I have more drive than both and chose to get a lot more education. My children have chosen to go beyond me. There are several ways to set an example for one’s children, and I fear the hippies have chosen the one that often results in rejection of the parental culture.

    I don’t see much hope for a change, either. I’m comfortable now being called a racist, an elitist, and a nationalist. It would make a good t-shirt, with as a graphic the 13-star flag of 1776.

  7. > Scott, as sad as it is I share your premonition. Europe is descending into a new dark age.

    Things is, Europe is a place that seems to not be able to hang out anywhere but the extremes. Act like a bunch of wilting violet pansies for a generation or two, then they burn the joint to the ground in an orgy of blood. Then get all whiny again.

    *Perhaps* the pendulum will swing the other way soon. Hard to tell.

    >Anyone who points it out, or attempts in anyway to slow or stop it is immediately attacked as racist, or nationalistic, or both, or some other entirely idiotic classification.

    *Actual* racism, in that one sees one ethnicity as being inheirantly morally/ethically/legally superior to another, pisses me off, as it it just more unsubstantiated woo. But as I mentioned here (, the current utilization of the word “racist” has been so corrupted as to be meaningless.

  8. Racists, of all colors, have a problem with me. Must be my intolerance of their sub-human crap.

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