Apr 152022

So, who knew… apparently you can make a living doing nothing but taking commercial flights and posting videos about them on YouTube. Sometimes this means taking the most expensive and luxurious flights from one continent to another; sometimes it means taking a puddlejumper from one tiny airport to an even smaller one. And sometimes it means trying to take a Greyhound bus from LA to NYC. In February. If you aren’t from the US, maybe “road trip across the USA in February” sounds reasonable. If you’re hopelessly optimistic, perhaps “road trip on a bus” makes you think “what could go wrong?” So this British feller decides to give it a shot. It does not go to plan… but it still goes *way* better than it could’ve.

As the blog post says, though, the comments make it worthwhile:

  • “It can’t be that bad” … anyone who’s ever been on a greyhound started praying for you at that point
  • Also a round of applause for the bravery shown by choosing Taco Bell when you know you’ll be stuck on a bus for 4 days.
  • Riding a Greyhound for the bus for an hour will change your whole outlook on life. You will also meet people that you only heard about in folklore.
  • In my first four minutes on a greyhound bus, I knew that I needed to improve my station in life and wondered where I went wrong.







 Posted by at 11:30 am