Apr 142022

Two weird things. First this headline…

The Russian military says the damaged Moskva missile cruiser sank while being towed to a port

… is exactly the same text as the complete article:

The Russian military says the damaged Moskva missile cruiser sank while being towed to a port.

So… there ya go, I suppose.

Second: more than a day later and not a single verified image of the thing. How can *nobody* have taken photos pf video of it? Surely there were at least a few commercial satellites passing roughly int he area that took a look. No doubt more than a few recon planes were in the area. The Russians must have had ships in the area, taking pictures to prove it was still on the surface; and doubtless Ukrainians with drones or navalized farm tractors video’ed it to prove that it wasn’t doing so great. But so far as I’ve seen… squadoo. A number or mis-attributed photos and videos of other ships, one craptacular “night vision” video showing… *something.*


 Posted by at 8:57 pm