Feb 162022

Thanks to the magic of Google Translate, I can understand this news story out of Brazil:

Tio atropela ladrões ao ver sobrinhos sendo assaltados em São Paulo

Which says: “Uncle runs over thieves when he sees nephews being robbed in São Paulo”

In short, two motorbike-riding thieves stick up some people on a sidewalk. But sadly for them, they are observed doing this. They are observed by someone who doesn’t like them doing this, has a car and a willingness to use it… and the skill to get the timing *exactly* right. Soon as the dirtbags get back on their bike, they are rear-ended at high velocity and sent high into the air. It seems that somehow they survived, which, if you watch the video, is freakin’ *amazing.”

Because the security camera video is just that awesome, it’s after the break.

 Posted by at 11:21 pm