Feb 162022

It seems that the Freedom Convoy/Protest in Canada is so successful tha tthe Canadian government is workign overtime to prove the protestors point:

Banks are moving to freeze accounts linked to convoy protests. Here’s what you need to know

In short, the Canadian government can freeze your bank account based on… well, not a whole lot.

The order says that banks and other financial entities (like credit unions, co-ops, loan companies, trusts and cryptocurrency platforms) must stop “providing any financial or related services” to people associated with the protests — a move that will result in frozen accounts, stranded money and cancelled credit cards. … There are questions about how widely this policy will be applied — whether, for example, the thousands of donors to the GoFundMe and GiveSendGo fundraising campaigns in support of this anti-mandate movement are also considered “designated persons” under the law.

The regulation’s definition of a “designated person” also includes people who “provide property to facilitate or participate in any assembly.” In other words, under these regulations, anyone sending funds to support these protests could be facing a shaky financial future.

Say, that’s neat. Thousands, hundreds of thousands of Canadians who have done far less violence than your average Mostly Peaceful Protestors could find their life savings, businesses, homes all wiped out at the stroke of a bureaucrats pen. If you suspect that you might be net on the financial chopping block, what would your next action be? Hmmm…

Trudeau inadvertently caused a bank run in Canada

Ayup, people are trying to get their money out now while they can, and of course they’re finding that banks are instituting strict withdrawal limits. Seems to me what this might end up doing is driving more and more people to “alternative economics” like crypto.

While these measures might help to bust up a protest that has severely disrupted the nation’s capital, Davis said they could also further “radicalize” a group that is already concerned about government overreach.

Gee, ya think??? Every *actually* peaceful protestor who finds his ability to bank or even be employed *ever* *again* ruined will almost certainly be radicalized. What the hell else are they going to do? Especially when they see violent rioters *not* getting de-banked.

 Posted by at 6:53 pm