Jun 072021

Arctic animal revived after being frozen for 24,000 years in Siberian permafrost

Small, but multicellular. Along with bacteria and maybe some form of algae, if there is a planet in the Alpha Centauri system capable of harboring life, we might be able to send it there in frozen form. Radiation might raise hell with the DNA of frozen critters; maybe the thing to do is to thaw them out every 500 or 1000 years, let them swim around and eat the sick ones, reproduce, repopulate, freeze and repeat as needed. and hopefully by the time the unmanned slowboat gets to the Alpha Centauri system the lifeforms it has stored will be ready to begin terraforming the local world. Or to be collected and installed in the Centauri City Museum of Ancient Human Artifacts, built by the humans who got there 23,500 years earlier via warp drive and left the place in the care of the AI after the local humans transcended.

 Posted by at 10:39 pm