Feb 152021

It is time for the media to REEEEEEE at full volume:

After Weeks Of Being Offline, Parler Finds A New Web Host

Apparently it’s only just kinda sorta working, and then  in a very limited way on a fraction of the platforms. But one presumes that it will get up to speed as time goes by. You don’t get assassinated and then get right up and run a marathon, after all.

I found this hyperventilatory piece particularly entertaining:

Parler Is Now in the Hands of a Right-Wing Activist Seeking a Radical Rewrite of the Constitution

A “radical re-write of the Constitution?” Whatever could this extremist want?

Meckler went on to found Citizens for Self-Governance (CSG), now the Convention of States Foundation, a right-wing nonprofit that manages the Convention of States project, with the Koch-connected Eric O’Keefe. Convention of States (COS) wants to hold an Article V convention of the states to amend the U.S. constitution to severely restrict the power of the federal government.

Oh, Noes! Restricting the power of the federal government? What a shocking and wholly unAmerican concept!!!

According to the COS website, they want to amend the Constitution to:

  • Require Members of Congress to live under the same laws they pass for the rest of us.
  • Impose term limits on Members of Congress.
  • Require a balanced federal budget.
  • Impose limits on federal spending and/or taxation.
  • Get the federal government out of our healthcare system.
  • Get the federal government out of our education system.
  • Stop unelected federal bureaucrats from imposing regulations.
  • Set term limits for Supreme Court Justices.
  • Set term limits for federal bureaucrats, ending the dominance of the “swamp.”
  • Remove the authority of the federal government over state energy policy.
  • Force the federal government to honor its commitment to return federal lands to the states

Regardless of how likely you think they are to get their way, their goals are wholly reasonable to at least discus.

 Posted by at 6:55 pm