Feb 152021

The Great Reset summarized:

The Great Reset is such an obviously doom-filled notion that you have to wonder why anyone would even bother trotting it out. If something like this was actually instituted, the inevitable result would be Eat The Rich and street corner guillotines. I can only see two explanations:

1: This is a world-class Trumpian troll. Perhaps the bajillionaires involved in the World Economic Forum did this as some sort of drunken bet just to see how many morons would sign up, or to see what kind of chaos could be created from the inevitable outrage.

2: Ideology. Only whackadoodle political or religious ideologies can make people who should know better actually think that planned, centralized economies are a good thing, that the wants and desires of entire populations can be scheduled in advance, that people will be satisfied with less, that people do not have self-interest or a desire to won their own stuff.

3: The ultimate reason why.

 Posted by at 11:18 am