Jan 152021

A year and a bit ago some info came out about the then- forthcoming zero-gravity first person shooter “Boundary.” There have been updates since then, including release of the game. The animation, especially in the trailer, is *fantastic*, included slo-mo scenes of a space-modded AK-47 not only firing but flexing in the way actual guns do. This game was produced by the Chinese, so feel free to auto-fill what that might mean. Buy it, your money goes to Hunter Biden’s paymasters. Play it online, Beijing gets to watch. Is there subtle (or not so subtle) pro-CCP propaganda embedded within it? Who knows. but it looks freakin’ *gorgeous.* The USSF should tear the code apart, strip out the doubtless abundant Chinese naughtiness, rework it into rah-rah pro-USSF propaganda. “Fight the ChiComs in space!” “Defend US space assets from space pirates!” Add in things like Dragon and Starship. For extra awesomeness, a USSF Orion. No, not that overpriced capsule… the *real* Orion.

Almost makes me want to try to get back into Pax Orionis… now *that* might make a dandy video game.





 Posted by at 3:03 pm