Jan 152021

I’ve long said that what police need more than anything is a truly practical stun-setting phaser. The Taser kinda gets there, but has some limitations such as being single shot, short range and fairly easily defeated. The ability to just hit a “sit your ass down” button and bring a confrontation to a harmless end would be *fantastic* for many encounters. And not just police: it’d be great for home defense as well. But sticking with police, imagine how much less trouble there would be if violent and/or crazed weirdos (such as make a few appearances in the video below) could be simply shut down for a minute or two with minimal risk of harm. It’s people like the guy in the video below that lead to Bad Cops: having to deal with such aggressive, loud, obnoxious and downright evil scumbugs on a daily basis would make *anyone* into a misanthrope in no time flat.

As an alternative to phasers: truly practical “robocops” like “Chappie.” Run by AI with open-source programming that can be downloaded on command (but not uploaded without a complete physical overhaul), given super-human strength, super human ability to not give a damn and super human ability to simply stuff a looney into a crazy bucket, such robots would be *fantastic* backups.

Bonus Round: phasering the CNN crews and left-wing extremists who were leading the “insurrection” would have been handy as well.

BLM activist, Antifa, anarchist or FBI asset? What we know so far about John Sullivan, who was spotted instigating mobs at Capitol Hill

 Posted by at 8:52 am