Jan 062021

Remember *all* through 2020, when “mostly peaceful protestors” were allowed to trash business districts and government offices with AT MOST a harsh talking to by the police? Yeah… that’s leftist privilege. If you are a right winger and you want to do something vaguely similar, but with a whole lot less of looting and arson, the police will shot you in the neck.

Woman brought out on stretcher, covered in blood… Shot by DC Police…


“We want to petition our government.” Government response:

Those sure do look like “high capacity magazines” those fellers have. As well:

Not only “high-cap” magazines but a “hell yes we’ll take your AR-15.” The government gets to have those. Not you or me, though. The likes of us will be restricted to clubs and Molotov cocktails, so long as we pass certain ideological tests. “Want to burn down a book store to protest western civilization and Enlightenment values? Go right ahead. Annoyed about voting irregularities? Here, have a flash-bang.”

Yeah, 2021 is gonna be one hell of a year.

 Posted by at 2:35 pm