Jan 062021

Ashli Babbitt: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

She was a veteran, a QAnon conspiracy weirdo, and shot in the throat or chest by – reportedly – a plain clothes Capitol police officer not because she was waving a gun around or carrying a karambit, but because she was going through a window.

You can see her get shot at about 0:41 in this video (at least until it gets memory holed):

After a year of being told that arson and murder are just the way change is made, and perfectly acceptable ways for people to express their political views, I remain unconvinced that the government executing someone for trespassing is entirely a good thing. Were the  police working under Castle Doctrine? Is there a duty to retreat in D.C.?


Also: Get ready for a whole lot of this sort of thing:

And let’s see if this stays up:

 Posted by at 10:32 pm