Nov 062020

Will you be on it? How many of your friends and family will be on it? Will it be used to deplatform people? To get them fired? To strip from them their ability to use payment processors and banking systems?

The Left is compiling lists of people to harass, suppress and oppress. Why? Because they set cities on fire, trashed businesses, assaulted cops and random passersby? Nope, because they supported the “wrong” guy.

We should hold accountable:

Those who elected him.

Individuals who worked for the Trump for President campaign, Republican National Committee, and affiliated PACs in 2016 or 2020.

Those who staffed his government.

Individuals who worked in any role as a political appointee in the Trump Administration.

Those who funded him.

Individuals who used their massive personal wealth and influence to bundle money for Trump.

New blacklist of ‘Trump sycophants’ inspired by AOC being compiled


 Posted by at 6:12 pm