Nov 062020

Regardless of how the current elections turn out,  Georgia is going to remain a political hotbed into January 2021. It turns out that two Republican Senate incumbents are up for re-election, but in neither election does it look like any candidate will win a clear 50+% majority. Consequently, in January both seats will be up for a run-off election. As the current election maps hold, if the Dems can flip both of those Senate seats (based on the *current* math that seems unlikely), then the Dems will be in control of the Presidency, the House and the Senate, which means that they can do whatever they like. If the Supreme Court becomes bothersome about all that “Constitution” stuff? They will be able to pack the court.

As things currently stand, one of the seats looks readily flippable. The other, the seat seams to be more or less evenly split between a Dem and *two* Reps. So at first glance it would seem that a runoff would go 2 to 1 in favor of the Rep. But the thing is… the Democrats know that this will be their chance to fundamentally remake the United States in their image. This will be their chance to ban guns and make tens of millions of people who aren’t likely to vote for them into non-voting felons. Expect the Georgia runoffs to be *swamped* with outside money, with balloting shenanigans to put Detroit to shame. The Chinese will be *all* *over* this.

Why Georgia is about to become the center of the political universe

 Posted by at 12:10 pm