Oct 052020

Biden Beauty” claims to be selling a “makeup sponge” as well as flacking Gropey Joe for President. I have no idea what the design specifications for such a device are, but I’ve seen enough of the weird side of the internet to know what this thing actually looks like:

The fact that one of the nicknames of Joe Biden is “Plugs” makes this all the more… ahhhh… odd.

Is this for real? Is it satire? I honestly  don’t know. The fact that the things costs TWENTY BUCKS argues for it being satire… or it argues that the same people who rail against the “pink tax” would be willing to throw buckets of cash at pennies worth of foamed polymer and thus should not be relied upon to opine rationally on fiscal responsibility.


Also not helpful in the “real or satire” debate are the pictures the website has up showing the results of their product. I mean, honestly… this could be a Biden supporter just as easily as a satire of a Biden supporter:

 Posted by at 6:25 pm