Oct 052020

I have previously mentioned the possibility that if Harris/Biden wins in November, right wingers will do to left wingers what left wingers have been doing for the last four years… i.e. “behave badly.” Here’s some polling to back that up:

Americans Increasingly Believe Violence is Justified if the Other Side Wins

In September, 44 percent of Republicans and 41 percent of Democrats said there would be at least “a little” justification for violence if the other party’s nominee wins the election. Those figures are both up from June, when 35 percent of Republicans and 37 percent of Democrats expressed the same sentiment.

If this poll is accurate, Republican now agree that violence would be justified. The differences are meager, though… pretty much equal, within a reasonable margin of error. the only really big difference is in the category of “very liberal vs very conservative” on the issue of there being a “great deal” of justification for violence if their side loses. 26% of veryLibs vs 16% of veryCons would seem quite enthusiastic to see some violence.

So will this pan out? We’ve seen a third of a year of nonstop leftist violence in this country, people using fantasies about mythical episodes of police racist violence as an excuse to try to destroy the country in order to put in its place a racist, totalitarian communist state. So if Harris/Biden win, will right wingers flip the script and start burning down cities? An important difference: up to this point, leftists have largely been working to destroy the infrastructure and economies of both minority communities and white-majority leftist-majority communities. If right wingers take on the task of violence… I kinda see them going after the *same* *exact* targets. I don’t see right wingers burning down their own homes and businesses and employers.

And on the topic of turnabout: here is Comrade Bernie blathering on (to a crowd of crickets, from the looks of it) about how he supports Gropey Joe because Gropey Joe will help institute economic policies to help impoverish and dis-employ the poor and low-skilled (doubtless while importing millions more unemployed and unskilled). Nothing unusual there until an old lady comes along and disrupts his speech by holding up a flag. She commits no acts of violence… doesn’t chuck a rock, doesn’t set anything on fire, doesn’t shine a laser in anyones eyes, doesn’t break any windows, doesn’t attack anybody. But by simply holding up a flag Comrade Bernie gets shut down until the supporters of Bernie shove her to the ground and steal her stuff. Thus kinda proving her point…


 Posted by at 4:41 pm