Sep 172020

A lot of people wanted to defund the police. In cities where the police have been defunded, held back, stood down or demoralized, they’ve gotten exactly what you’d expect:

Homicide Stats Show ‘Minneapolis Effect’

Short form: less police, less policing, more crime. This is hardly surprising. This is undoubtedly what a great many of the “defund the police” crowd *wanted,* a get-out-of-jail card so that they could live out their criminal fantasies without risk of legal consequence. The statistics indicate that nationwide 710 additional murders have so far been committed, each and every one of which can be laid at the feet of the anti-police protestors and their facilitators, supporters and enablers in the media and politics.

But there are other areas of life where government spending really does need to be slashed. Behold:

D.C. Public Schools Spend $30K Per Student; Only 23% of 8th Graders Proficient in Reading

The article describes a number of states that are doing a terrible job educating their students. Such as:

The public schools in Oklahoma spent $8,935 per pupil in 2016-2017. But only 26% of eighth graders in Oklahoma public schools were proficient or better in reading, and only 26% were proficient or better in math.

Yes, Oklahoma is doing a *terrible* job. But they’re doing it at one third the cost.

In contrast, Utah is spending $8,794 per pupil and is at 38%. That still seems terrible to me, but the best of the bunch is Massachussetts, which spends $18,490 per pupil to score 45%.  What this shows is that outcome seems to be virtually wholly unconnected to spending. As such… slash the spending. Use that money for some other purpose… free one-way flights to foreign lands for those who hate the US, for instance.


 Posted by at 8:16 am