Sep 162020

Attorney General William Barr suggests charging violent protesters with sedition

Good. We are *looooong* past the time when people rioting in the streets could legitimately claim that they were protesting some injustice. After the most recent incident of a knife-wielding lunatic getting *justly* shot by a cop in Lancaster, PA, whackaloons took to the street in “protest.” You have to be a grade-A doubpleplusungood moron to not recognize that this is a good shoot of a truly dangerous person:

And that’s jut one. The majority of the cases that people claim to be protesting about, from Michael Brown on up to Jacob Blake, have turned out to be unfortunate but justifiable, even praiseworthy, incidents of police shooting someone posing an immediate threat. We’ve skated well past the time when it’s reasonable to assume that the protestors are on the up-and-up; it’s time to recognize the violent ones for what they are: enemies of the state, the people, the culture who want to just tear everything down and dance on the ashes. Best to stomp them down *now* before they plunge the US into a full-on civil war which will kill millions and will likely lead to the end of western civilization as a going concern.

 Posted by at 5:35 pm