Sep 012020

Gee, when cops are actually allowed to do their jobs, those badasses in Antifa turn out to just be larping weenies.

Prepare yourself for the feel-good movie of the summer:

This whole summer of insanity could have been nipped in the bud if the mayors of Antifa-infested towns had simply allowed their police to police. Around here, the riots lasted… one night, maybe? The night it started, not only did the local cops show up to say “not just no, but hell no,” cops from nearby towns showed up. Cops from another state showed up. The police told the rioting morons that their nonsense would not be allowed and told them loudly enough and with sufficient backup. And what did the rioters do? Tucked tail and went home (after killing a few of their own, because of course they did). There have been threats and rumors since then, the odd door kicked in (one of the comic books shops near me got kicked in, as did the closest thing to a model kit-equipped hobby shop, because of course they did), but nothing like the nonsense in Portland or Chicago.

Watching this and other videos makes it clear that while Antifa and their ilk are certainly ready willing and able to carry out acts of violence and terrorism, they are themselves little more than cardboard cutouts. They truly are NPCs, programmed to make a loud noise and chuck the odd Molotov cocktail, but they largely seem ill prepared to stand up to even halfassed resistance from the good guys.

 Posted by at 6:35 pm