Aug 082020

Gun-Wielding Protesters Point Weapons At Motorists, Indianapolis Leaders Stay Silent

If anybody has a rational explanation of what these people think they’ll accomplish, I’d love to hear it.

What we have here are two – at least two – “people” willing to commit murder in order to control who gets to drive down a public street. If this was the fascist state these lying scumbags claim it is, they’d have had their brains beaten out by the local constabulary. Instead, they’re allowed to do this at will. This sort of thing metastasizes, and will lead to nationwide disaster.

Once again, imagine instead of a left wing crazy doing this, we had us a MAGA-hat wearing Trump supporter using firearms to terrorize the public. Hell, we don’t really have to image. The McCloskeys in St. Louis wielded inoperable firearms to shoo off thugs from their own private property, and the local prosecutor has gone after *them* rather than the trespassers, going so far as to commit what sure looks like prosecutable fraud in order to do so.


 Posted by at 7:04 pm