Jun 032020

Recently had two Amazon Prime movies on the tube:

1: “The Vast Of Night:” a low budget indie sci-fi flick. Late ’50’s small town New Mexico; after sundown while most of the small town is watching a high school basketball game, people start calling in to the local radio station about hearing sounds coming from the sky. Honestly it’s mostly people talking… and it’s quite effectively creepy. I suspect that the film-maker here will start getting much bigger budgets, and deservedly so. Well written, well acted and with remarkable cinematography. Worth watching.

2: “Movies for Cats – Forest Songbirds:” OK, yeah, the plot, dialog and character development left a bit to be desired for me… but then, I’m not the target audience. Much to my surprise, Buttons – who IS the target audience – was utterly fascinated. If you have a cat, or if you are easily amused, this is recommended.

Buttons watching “Forest Songbirds.”



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