May 272020

Buttons came home from the vet about three hours ago. He was reported to have been doing reasonably well at the vet, but he had refused to eat and was apparently freaked out (unsurprising). So the plan was to send him home where he could relax and eat some. In the mean time he has to wear the cone of shame because he still has a catheter jammed into his right front leg, wrapped in tape; if everything goes well tomorrow AM he’ll go back and get the catheter removed; if it doesn’t go well he’ll go back for further hospitalization.

He has so far refused to eat. He keeps wandering around flopping down in random places and whining slightly;  how much is the needle still stuck in his arm, how much is the fact that his innards are a mess… dunno. It is nevertheless a vast improvement over the night before last when he was calling out of help and barfing nonstop. Shudder.


 Posted by at 8:52 pm